GPUVerify: a Verifier for GPU Kernels


Materials and links to tutorials we have given on GPUVerify and formal verification of GPU kernels.

POPL, San Diego, 21 Jan 2014

A tutorial on how the theory, algorithms and tools of the verification community can be brought to bear on this interesting and important new domain. Aimed at researchers and practitioners in software verification who would be interested in seeing how a practical implementation of automated Hoare Logic can be built using standard components in the verification community.

LEAP, London, 22 May 2013

A high-level introduction to GPUVerify using worked examples. Aimed at researchers and practitioners in the parallel programming community; this tutorial does not assume a background in formal verification or theoretical computer science.

HIPEAC, Berlin, 21 January 2013

A 2-hour introduction to GPUVerify that covers GPU programming, data races and barrier divergence, and the design and implementation of GPUVerify, including a demonstration of GPUVerify's verification method using a worked example. This tutorial does not assume a background in formal verification or theoretical computer science.

ER02: Semantics and tools for low-level concurrent programming, ENS Lyon, 18 January 2013

A more detailed tutorial on the verification method used within GPUVerify.