JSON File FormatΒΆ

The JSON file format accepted by GPUVerify has the following form:

[ kernel_instantiation, ..., kernel_instantiation ]

where each kernel_instantiation is an object:

  "language"         : "OpenCL",
  "endianness"       : string,
  "kernel_file"      : string,
  "local_size"       : [ number, ..., number ],
  "global_size"      : [ number, ..., number ],
  "global_offset"    : [ number, ..., number ],
  "compiler_flags"   : string,
  "entry_point"      : string,
  "kernel_arguments" : [ kernel_argument, ..., kernel_argument ],
  "host_api_calls"   : [ host_api_call, ..., host_api_call ]

The value of language should always be the string OpenCL.

The endianness can be set to big or little. This specifies the endianness of the device on which the kernel was captured.

The value of kernel_file is the name of an OpenCL source file whose location is relative to the JSON file. The intended usage of this latter value is to specify the file name of the file to which the kernel is dumped upon interception.

If kernel_file has the value /some/path/foo.cl, then if preprocessing was applied after kernel interception the preprocessed version of the file will be at /some/path/foo.pre.cl (where /some/path is the same as in kernel_file).

The values of local_size, global_size, and global_offset are arrays of numbers satisfying the usual restrictions on the local_work_size, global_work_size, and global_offset arguments of clEnqueueNDRangeKernel, respectively.

The compiler_flags value specifies the string passed to the kernel compiler upon compilation of the kernel.

The value of entry_point specifies which kernel in the kernel file needs to be verified.

The kernel_arguments field specifies properties of the concrete argument values pass to the kernel during launch, where the nth element of the array corresponds to the nth argument of the kernel.

The host_api_calls array specifies the source file locations of relevant OpenCL host-side functions that were invoked leading up to the original kernel launch.

The language, kernel_file, global_size, and entry_point fields are required.

The endianness, local_size, , global_offset, kernel_arguments and host_api_calls are optional. Not specifiying local_size corresponds to a NULL value being passed to clEnqueueNDRangeKernel (observe that omitting local_size can significantly slow down verification with GPUVerify). When global_offset is not specified, the offset is assumed to be 0 in each dimension. When kernel_arguments is not specified the argument values used during verification are assumed to be unconstrained.

Each kernel_argument is an object of one of the following four forms:

  "type"  : "scalar",
  "value" : string
  "type" : "array",
  "size" : number,
  "address_space" : string,
  "flags" : [ string, ..., string ],
  "data" : string
  "type" : "image"
  "type" : "sampler"

where the type field is the only required field.

In the case of scalars, the value field gives the argument value passed to the kernel during launch. The value should be string representing a hexadecimal value, e.g., "0xA208"; the string should always start with 0x.

In the case of arrays, the size field specifies the size of the argument array passed to the kernel during launch. The value is a number specifying the size of the array in bytes. The address_space field must be one of global, local and constant, and specifies which memory space the array data resides in. The flags field provides the cl_mem_flags that were used to create the buffer. The data field names a binary file containing, in bytes, the data the array was populated with on kernel launch.

If value or size is omitted their values are assumed to be unconstrained during verification, otherwise the specific values are use.

Each host_api_call is of the following form:

  "function_name"    : string,
  "compilation_unit" : string,
  "line_number"      : number

All fields are required, with function_name and compilation_unit respectively specifying the name of the called function and the compilation unit in which the call occurs. The line_number specifies the line number within the compilation unit.

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