Who checks the checkers? Automatically finding bugs in C-to-RTL formal equivalence checkers


C-to-RTL (register-transfer level) formal equivalence checkers (ECs) allow hardware implementations to be compared against software specifications. Thanks to their complete state-space coverage, ECs are trusted to authorise design sign-off. Therefore, ridding ECs of bugs is a top priority. In pursuit of this goal, we have developed Equifuzz, a technique and tool for randomized testing (fuzzing) of SystemC-to-RTL ECs. Equifuzz uses knowledge of SystemC semantics to generate rich designs that are known to be equivalent to trivial RTL designs. It has uncovered 7 unsoundness bugs in major commercial ECs (where the EC claimed equivalence incorrectly), and 5 incompleteness bugs (where the EC failed to prove equivalence between equivalent designs), all of which have been confirmed by the tool vendors. The fact that Equifuzz has been able to find serious bugs in extensively tested, major commercial ECs demonstrates that fuzzing is a valuable complement to the handcrafted tests that EC developers use as standard.